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If it has been less than a month since you conceived then there are still some warning signs, even before you might miss your period. These are 16 EARLY warning signs you might be pregnant, that most will notice within the first month of pregnancy:

1) Darkening areola (that's the circle around the nipple). Darkening of the areola and even more pronounced veins on your chest can be the first sign you're pregnant.

2) Sore breasts. They may even appear to be getting larger. Tender, heavy-feeling breasts are another early warning sign that is usually noted within the first month.

3) Fatigue. For many women, tiredness continues through the first trimester, but then ebbs in the second.

4) Nausea. Most pregnant women start to get the queasies when they're about 6 weeks along, but some can experience morning sickness (which unfortunately can occur morning, noon and night) earlier. It will most likely subside as you enter the second trimester. In the mean time, try to eat foods that will settle your stomach, like crackers or Ginger Ale.

5) Frequent Urination. If you suddenly find yourself unable to sleep through the night without a trip to the loo, it might be a sign. During pregnancy your body produces extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime - and you taking a lot of pee breaks.

6) Headaches. More early signs of pregnancy include an aching head, a result of changes in hormones. Just in case you are indeed pregnant, take pg-safe acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen to deal with the pain.

7) Backaches. Is your lower back a little sore? If you don't normally have Back pain, it could mean your ligaments are loosening. Sorry, this one might continue through your pregnancy as your weight gain and shifting center of gravity throw your posture out of whack.

8) Cramping. Is it PMS or pregnancy? It's hard to tell, but if you're feeling crampy, it might be your uterus stretching to get ready for a baby.

9) Cravings or Food Aversions. Suddenly, you cannot get enough citrus. Or perhaps fish now turns your stomach. If you notice food issues that weren't there before, it could be your body telling you you're pregnant.

10) Constipation and/or Bloating. If you're feeling a little puffy or backed up, it might be extra progesterone due to pregnancy, which slows down your digestive system.

11) Mood Swings. If you're feeling a little hormonal, if might be because your body is adjusting to, well, new hormones.

12) Super Smell. Your garbage can now makes you gag. If you're repulsed by certain smells, or have an increased sensitivity to odors, it may mean you've got a bun in the oven.

13) Dizziness or Fainting. Low blood sugar or blood pressure can cause a woozy episode. Make sure you eat enough and stay well-hydrated.

14) Spotting. Darn! You got your period. Or did you? If it was much lighter than normal, and a few days earlier than expected, you may actually be experiencing implantation bleeding, where the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and causes a little bloodshed.

15) Late Period. Many of the early signs of pregnancy are also symptoms of PMS. How to tell the difference? The most telling clue yet will be a missed period. If your cycle is fairly regular and you're late, you should head to the drugstore.

Finally 16) Positive Pregnancy Test. So if you've experienced any combination of the aforementioned signs and you suspect it's been 3-5 weeks since possible conception, the it may be a good idea to go to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test. If you test positive then it's pretty much certain. Go see a doctor.

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13y ago
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15y ago

If you are past puberty and sexually active without birth control, chances are you can get pregnant. Symptoms will be nausea and breast tenderness and missed periods. You can use and over the counter pregnancy teast if you are having these symptoms or go see your doctor, particularlly if you develop abdominal pain or severe bleeding and cramping.

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13y ago

Of course, the easiest way is to use a pregnancy test, but you can also tell if you dont get your period, if you start having mood swings, if you start having weird cravings, and the obvious, the stomach getting bigger. Hope this helped some :)

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17y ago

usually when a woman is pregnant her belly gets real big

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13y ago

It takes about 3 days to get pregnant and after that it tales 2 weeks until the test show any reliable results so there is no way of knowing for sure before that.

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10y ago

You know a woman is pregnant if her monthly period (or menstruation) is stopped for one month and after (but not permanently)

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10y ago

Pregnancy test can tell you about pregnancy. But to be sure, you have to go for ultrasonography.

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8y ago

Some women are able to hide their pregnancy well especially if they are tall. Some women don't even realize that they are pregnant.

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How kan you tell if a girl pregnant?

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