

Best Answer
  1. Get enough sleep the night before - kids and teens need ten to twelve hours of sleep every night (most of them do not get enough)
  2. If you start feeling sleepy, take some deep breaths and get a good rush of oxygen to your brain (this is why you yawn)
  3. Between classes, stretch and get some exercise - run up and down the stairs or do jumping jacks or other exercises before you sit down
  4. Cut back on the junk food and sugar and sodas (also "energy drinks") because the energy they give you only lasts a few minutes, and then you feel even more tired than before!
  5. Caffeine works IF you drink small amounts at one time (eight-ounces, or 250 ml portion) and drink several cups over a few hours - coffee and tea are best because they don't have as much sugar as sodas!
  6. In extreme cases, ask your teacher (politely) if you can walk around the room a little bit so you will wake up - don't do this more than once or twice or they will think you're just trying to get out of working
  7. sit at the front
  8. listen hard to what the teacher is saying
  9. Try to ask and answer questions so you'll be more alert.

Here's how:
  • Get enough sleep! Kids and teens need 10-12 hours of sleep every night in order to feel alert and smart in school.
  • Eat the right foods! Stay away from junk food, because it gives you a "sugar rush" that will wear off after 15-20 minutes and then leave you feeling even more tired than before.
  • Stay away from "energy drinks!" First, they wear off after 15-20 minutes and leave you more tired than before -- even the "Five Hour" drinks will "drop" you once they wear off. Second, they have massive amounts of sugar, which is bad for you. Third, they are very hard on the stomach -- I've seen kids who developed ulcers from drinking too many of those things (I work in a pharmacy).
  • Exercise! Your body actually feels more alert right after you exercise than it does if you don't exercise at all -- this sounds backwards, but the body needs movement in order to function properly.
  • Breathe! Taking deep breaths helps get more oxygen to the brain, and makes you feel more alert -- this is why we yawn.
  • Drink a glass of water! I know, it sounds weird, but it does wake you up, especially if it's cold water.

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  • Get eough sleep
  • Eat a good breakfast, including coffee
  • Always do the assigned homework
  • Pay attention to your teacher- try to think along with the teacher.
  • Sit up near the front if you have a choice of seats.
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12y ago

Ha usually i text during class buh just make sure your kinda at least paying attestation so in case she notices and asks u a question about the lesson u can answer her/he. Or u can Doddle whirl the teachers talking or Take multiple Brakes during Class. You can also Start on your Homework from your other class well the Interesting ones Again don't get caught. Also u can Make an Excuse During class that u need to go TO the Nurse and ask the nurse if u can stay till Ur next Period.

Hope that Helped a Little..

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Q: How can you stay awake in school?
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How do you stay awake at school?

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It would stay awake all night ( nocturnal ). Then it would stay asleep for the day.

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Well if your asking hours I can't answer that. But I've heard that you can stay awake for 11 days. But don't try it you need your sleep

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Alcohol in any form should not be your choice of beverage to stay awake.

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I get through school with out sleeping because if your a person who wants to have a good life youll stay awake because you need the eduitcation