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Most of the time, we cannot remember our dreams. The only time that dreams are remembered is when they are vivid enough or we see significant people in those dreams. There is an application that helps us to remember our dreams by slowly waking us up. After which, an application automatically opens up for us to take note of the most recent dream we had.

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Q: How can you remember your dreams?
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Related questions

What are dreams that you can remember called?

The ones you remember are just called dreams. The ones you can't remember are dreams too, but you don't remember them.

Is it bad to not remember dreams?

no mostly u dont remember dreams Many individuals do not remember any of their dreams, so there is nothing "bad" about it. Dreams perform their psychological functions whether remembered or not.

Why do people only remember bad dreams?

Each individual differs in the ability to remember dreams, and many people do, indeed, remember beautiful and happy dreams. However, sleep researchers have shown that everyone remembers dreams most clearly when they wake up directly from a dream. So you might remember bad dreams simply because they disturb your sleep and cause you to awaken.

For about three months now i can't remember any of my dream is that normal?

Yes, it is completely normal not to remember dreams. A significant portion of people do not ever remember their dreams.

How do you exprience dreams?

Just sleep. You have dreams every night, whether you remember them or not.

Do all people have dreams?

All people dream. Most do not remember their dreams on awakening however.

How can you define dreams?

It's the way the brain handles all the imput, sorting out what needs to be remembered and what doesent, most dreams do not have any meaning, they are unimportant, when you have a dream that has meaning, you will remember it... But not all dreams you remember have meaning...

Does every one remember what they see in a wet dreams they have?


Do you have dreams every night?

yes you do you might not remember them

What are Justin Biebers dreams?

They are dreams that he probably can't remember. Other than that, you should ask him! = D

What percentage of people dream when they sleep?

Everyone dreams. Some people just don't remember their dreams

Why don't you have dreams even though you tried all the common methods to improve your ability to dream?

Your going about it the wrong way. You have dreams regardlessly, its your ability to remember the dreams or know what they are about. It may seem like you have sleepless dreams but your not really not remembering them. Try methods on improving dreaming. Which i don't know cause i remember all my dreams.