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  • Your parents have some good old fashion values and they want you to stay home to do your homework and get a good education. They are fearful of giving you too much freedom because many teens can simply hang around on street corners; at friends homes with too much time on their hands and get into trouble. Sit down with your parents and ask them if they could give you a chance to prove them wrong. If you want more freedom then you are going to have to earn it. Do your homework when you get home from school and any chores your parents may have for you and show them you are mature enough to be trusted to go out once in awhile (not every night) with friends and let them know what friend or friends you will be with. Just like people who work they come home and have responsibilities and it is the weekends where you relax and are out with friends.
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Q: How can you make your parents give you more freedom. I am 16 and am currently at school. I am not allowed out from the time I get home from school until I go to school the next morning?
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