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they have to sale fair trade stuff to be frair trade and this is from Abu at sandringham primmry school Thank you

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Q: How can schools go fair trade?
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How do you know if fair trade farmers get paid for the fair trade product?

Well that is easy fair trade means getting a fair price so that means all fair trade items with the symbol on them were given a fair wage. If you go into say a clothing department store and you want to know whether the farmer was paid a fairly good wage go up to the counter and say "Is this fair trade?"and if they say no then say "If you go fair trade I'll buy it."

What fabrics are fair trade?

Fair trade means that if would be ideal for the third world producers! There are all sorts of fair trade products like:Silk,cotton,linen,coffie beans,choclate and many more items the list can go on for ages.It is fair that every one has a fair trade in trading

What kind of things does the Fair Trade trade?

they do the same trades as Jamestown just go to fair trade is the conference show you the new products and opportunity of cooperation.

Can you list me positive words to do with fair trade?

helpfull new turn oppisie charity for more go to fair trade .com xx

What advantages are there to fair trade?

That the workers get paid a fair amount of money unlike things like transnational cooperations (TNC's) who get paid next to nothing, when you work for fair trade and if you have left over money, you could improve things like schools and communities.

Which is the most popular Trade Fair in the USA?

As to what was the most popular trade fair depends on the individual tastes of the attendee. To view the many different trade fairs that occur throughout the year in the USA, go to the official website of the Fair Trade Federation.

Where can one find more information about the fair trade of chocolate?

On the Oxfam website there is a really informative article about Fair Trade chocolate. You can also go on the official Fair Trade website to find out even more information.

How do you identifiy fair trade products?

u will find the fair trade simble and thats haw u can tell if its fair trade and if is no fair trade simble its not fair trade

What are the best electrician training schools?

For a list of Electrician Trade Schools that you can search by your location, go to

Is organic clothing fair trade?

yes its fair trade

Is Samsung fair trade?

no samsung is not a fair trade supporter

Is fair trade organic?

No, fair trade may not be organic.