The address of the Uc Santa Cruz Foundation is: , Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077
The school colors of UC Santa Cruz are Royal Blue and Gold (or yellow)
There are 10: UC San Diego UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara UC Davis UC Berkeley UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Fransisco UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz.
73 miles
UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs
UC Santa Cruz's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT scores are 21-27 on the English section, 22-27 on the Math section, and 21-27 Composite.
UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, USC, and Columbia University
what is the size of the santa cruz misson
UC Santa Cruz's 2014 25th-75th percentile SAT scores are 500-620 on the Critical Reading section, 520-640 on the Math section, and 500-620 on the Writing section.
their medical school just started in 2011, so its still starting up.
UCLA is part of the University of California, which include 10 campuses: In the North: UC San Francisco (medical school), UC Berkeley (Cal), UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Merced, and in the South: UC Los Angeles (UCLA), UC Riverside (UCR), UC San Diego (UCSD), UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), and UC Irvine (UCI). The President of the UC system is Mark Yudof. UCLA has a Chancellor, who oversees all campus operations and growth. The current Chancellor is Gene Block, former Provost at the University of Virginia.