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As of 1998, there were 772 private boarding schools in the UK.

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Q: How Many Boarding Schools are in the UK?
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How many boarding schools are there in the UK?

In 1998, there were 772 private boarding schools in the UK.

Which is the boarding school in the UK?

There are many boarding schools in the UK. They have prep schools, co-ed, and ones for just boys or just girls.

Are there specific boarding schools for troubled teens, or can I send my child to any boarding school of my choice?

There are many boarding schools and military schools or troubled teens in Texas. The following website lists all the boarding schools in the Texas area

Where can one find information on Boarding Schools in England?

There are a number of sites that one could visit to find girls or boys boarding schools in England. UK boarding schools has a site that lists the many schools available for girls, boys or mixed. They also have a phone number for their help desk and they will be able to provide suggestions based on the information you provide them.

Where can I inquire anything about boarding schools for me to get started?

Refer to your country's local Ministry of Education to inquire about boarding schools and their availability. In general, boarding schools are schools that students live and study within. Boarding schools are seen by many as advantageous due to the lifestyle of discipline that it promotes.

Are boarding schools for sports also?

Some boarding schools have nationally ranked sports teams, and many boarding school students are recruited to play sports in college.

Is boarding schools free?

No by no means is boarding school free, many high class boarding schools can cost up to forty to sixty thousand dollars a year.

Are there boarding schools in Pakistan?

yes there are boarding schools in pakistan

What percentage of kids getting bullied in boarding school than in normal school?

There are no statistics at present regarding boardings schools and bullying than in normal schools because many victims of bullying do not report it, but, since boarding schools (some such as Catholic Boarding Schools or well noted boarding schools) have fewer students; stricter rules than normal schools there is far less bullying in boarding schools.

Where are boarding schools in the US?

The biggest list of boarding schools available at the moment is at there you will find all there is about boarding schools.

Where can I find an all boys boarding school?

There are many boarding schools that can be found near schools and colleges. If you are concerned about your boy, probably you must not get him to a boarding schools because even if you look for a boarding school that has only boys, your son can also be distracted by his co-boardmates.

Are there military boarding schools in North Carolina?

There are military boarding schools in North Carolina. One of these military boarding schools is the Oak Ridge Military Academy.