Hindi sahitya sammelan allahabad was not recognised by them. Latest information may be due to changes.
website Hindi sahitya sammelan
Hindi Sahitya Sammelan is situated at Prayag (Allahabad).
Hindi sahitya sammelan is in Allahabad. It is 8th in good colleges rank.
Hindi sahitya sammelan is very strict organistaion. It works solelely for hindi language welfare.
Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Allahabad is a recognized Autonomous institution in India. Prathma,Madhyama,Uttama,all courses approved by Govt/Universities/Boards. For Admission please contact us-09044498111
Yes, Hindi sahitya sammelan prayag university is recognised under hrd. It is a great place to train and study.
The examinations conducted by Hindi Sahitya Sammelan are not recognised by the Govt. of India/UGC. The only exam recognised by the HRD ministry, Govt. of India was Prathma examination and that too is not recognized after 26.10.2010. It is further mentioned here that the sammelan has a bad reputation and even the National Institute of Open Schooling(Open School) which is a central Govt. autonomous institution has also refused admission to the candidates who have acquired prathma qualificaiton fromHindi Sahitya Sammelan.
It appears that Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Prayag 188, Bahadurganj, Allahabad 3 is not a recognized institution. It is advisable to verify the credentials and recognition status of any educational institution before enrolling or participating in any programs.
Hindi sahitya sammelan pryag university is recognized. You must check the latest stats on their site.