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Q: He goes to school change the voice?
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Related questions

What is Passive Voice Of He goes to School?

Not all verbs can be used in passive voice. Only verbs that take an object can. Therefor "He goes to school" has no passive form.

How does a person's voice change with time?

their vocal cords stretch as they age, such as when one goes through puberty

Who is the voice Of pepper pig?

It was me who asked it so I will answer it the voice of pepper pig is the voice of a little girl who goes to my school I will not reveal the name of the school as her mum would kill me. To prove to my friends I answered it I will sign off using my nickname from the back of my pink jumper I got made for me. Milly Rose From P.C School

Do or die chenge the voice?

Change the voice -> Voice change must be done.

What is the passive voice of you are going to school?

'You were going to school' is the passive voice of 'You are going to school'.

How can you change your voice on ooVoo?

To change your voice on ooVoo you will have to use their voice changer software.

What are the type of change of matter?

The two types of changes in matter that it goes through is physical change and chemical change... trust me, we are learning this at school.

What is the movie raise your voice about?

the movie raise your voice is about a girl and her brother going to a concert and the brother gets hit by a car and the sister goes to a performing arts school and sees a different way of life

What nicknames does David the Voice Stein go by?

David the Voice Stein goes by Voice, and David Voice.

Is Hodan Famous?

Obviously Hodan Yusuf is fameous have you heard her voice it's so cute.She goes Whitehall junior School and is undercover a school girl wearing glasses and scarf.

How are change and growth the same?

somewhat yes, but mostly no. growth is when your body goes up and out. change is if your voice changes or anything like that. so no, they are not the same things. i hope this helped:)!

How do you make a guy like you when he goes to a different school?

ask him out on face book! or change schools!