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The Greek word for achievement is katorthoma. The Latin word for achievement is rerum and the Italian word is realizzazione.

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επίτευγμα [epEEtevgma] / κατόρθωμα [katOrthoma]

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μεγαλείο (megaliio)

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Ικανότητα [ikanOteeta]

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"Res," "rei."

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Q: Greek word for skill
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What is the Greek word for skill?

ικανότητα (ikanotita).

Greek word for art?

=The Ancient Greek word 'tekhni', is commonly translated as "art"==but it more accurately means "skill" or "craftsmanship."=

From which language does the word technique originate?

The word "technique" originates from the Greek word "tekhnē," which means "art" or "skill."

What does the root word tech mean?

The root word "tech" comes from the Greek word "techne," which means skill or art. It is commonly used in words related to technology or technical expertise.

What is the prefix for technical?

The prefix for technical is "techno-". It is derived from the Greek word "techne" meaning skill or art.

What does Scientology mean in Latin?

The word Scientology is a pairing of the Latin word scientia ("knowledge", "skill"), which comes from the verb scīre ("to know"), and the Greek λόγος lógos ("word" or "account [of]")._source is wikipedia

What is the word for skill in baseball?


What part of speech is the word SKILL?

The word skill is a noun. The plural form is skills. Skill can also be a verb meaning to set apart.

Who was the ancient Greek God of SKILL?

Her name was Athena (Athene). She was the goddess of civilization, wisdom, strength, strategy, craft, justice and skill in Greek mythology.

What is the noun of skill?

The abstract noun for the adjective skillful is skillfulness.A related abstract noun is skill.

Is the word skill a noun?

Yes. "Skill" is a noun.

Another word for lack of skill?

lacking skill