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Q: Greek term for a funny play?
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What is a greek root word for funny play?

A Greek term for a funny play is a comedy and is said in Greek as komodia. The word comedy is said in Latin as comoedia.

What is the Greek word for a funny play?


A greek word for funny play?

astios is the greek word for funny in greek writing : αστείος

What is the Greek term for play?

παιχνίδι (paichnídi)

Who knows the musical Do Wop Wed Widing Hood?

I do. Its funny and a great play. I do. Its funny and a great play. I do. Its funny and a great play. I do. Its funny and a great play. I do. Its funny and a great play. I do. Its funny and a great play.

How do you say that's funny in Greek?

The Greek word for "That Is Funny" is "αυτό είναι αστείο".

What is the Greek term for a play in which a main character suffers?

The Greek term for a play in which a main character suffers is "tragedy." This genre often involves the protagonist encountering a series of unfortunate events or a downfall, leading to their ultimate downfall or demise.

What is a funny storie about the greek god sades?

There is no Greek god "Sades": there is a Greek god Hades.

Is comedy a type of play?

Yes, a comedy can be a type of play, although it is not necessarily funny. The term comedy simply means that there is no tragic ending; the conflict is resolved happily.

What was the greek word for a teller of funny stories?


Atlantis - Greek Term?

Yes, Atlantis is a Greek term.

What is the medical term meaning funny feeling around an area?

If by "funny" you mean unusual or abnormal, the term you are looking for may be "paraesthesia."