I'm not entirely sure what it is you want, but if it's a sample script, there are websites that provide copies of the screenplays for popular films for free.
One is
another is
www.moviesandscreenplays.com .
If it's a theatre script you're after, some of the classics can be found online by simply searching their titles, if not, try your local library.
Hope this helps.
it is some time use for drama
the difference between play script and drama are the play script has couching and drama is no couchingbow Myra 18 "{P?"{::"""
hey ppl pls give me a drama script on anything thing happeneinmg in a village!
The script.
of course it does otherwise there would be no drama
how do you write a drama comedy script, so anyone can answer? check out this site http://screenplaymastery.com/structure.htm it might be of some help. though reading Rober Mckey's '' story'' is the best and easiest read on how to write a script of any genres.
a script
when you do sumthin without a script but you have not dun it with a script before it
First, think of some ideas for a play. Second, write down your thoughts on paper. Third, make it into a script and you're done!
Robert A. Allen has written: 'Don't give up the script' -- subject(s): Authorship, Drama in public worship, Bible plays, Christian drama
In the middle of the sea