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Q: Explain the way in which you ascertain whether a research problem has already been investigated?
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What is research and explain the objective of research?

Research is the act of seeking and obtaining knowledge by studying books, literature, the Internet; performing experiments and tests in order to prove or disprove a theory, and even realize a new discovery. It can also refer to the knowledge already obtained by others, such as: "I looked at their research and it was very useful."

How do you explain integers and exponents etc to some people who already know what they are?

If they already know what they are why do you need to explain to them?

Explain to you what scientific notation is?

No thanks, I already know.

How do I find answers for questions?

Research. Either you have already done the research and you have the knowledge to answer the question, or you go dig for the knowledge by doing the research.

What is pure basic research?

Pure basic research is looking for information on the internet or in books. This research is simply just looking for what is already out there.

An Attempt to explain observation that has already taken place?

I have no clue

What is background research mean?

what you already know about your topic. Background research is not the information you already know if it were it would not be called "research". It's really additional information that you look up on your topic and a brief overview of some of the important facts.

Why is research class so boring?

because all we do is write and we never have fun and we already know how to research!!!!!!

What is empirical research?

empirical research or empirical study means: data has already been collected and analyzed.

When is business research not needed?

When the result is already known or the decision has already been made.

Why is primary research more expensive than secondary research?

Primary research or field research, is more expensive than secondary research because the material is not already available, hence the researcher must conduct their own research, creating surveys etc, which all cost money. Secondary research or desk research, is already available in libraries, the internet etc so the researcher does not have to conduct research, therfore requiring no/ little money

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