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LIteracy is the soley the foundation of education. The ability to read and write is not enough. Literacy rather, is the ability to comprehend material either by reading writting or any scripture. Around the world a literate person changes by culture. Some cultures use symbols, and in acient times they drew pictures. We cannot say that the Mayan culture was not literate because to them, their pictres are their languag and hey have the ability to understand the information and gain knowledge.

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Q: Explain how literacy comprehension and analyze of reading are important parts of education around the world?
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The mental product of comprehension is understanding. It involves grasping and interpreting information or concepts, making connections, and being able to explain or apply what has been learned.

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I'm not sure about the KKK part but the purpose of poll tax and literacy test were restrictions to voting. A poll tax was a fee you had to pay to vote and poor people could not afford it. The literacy test made you read and explain a section of the Constitution, and most poor people did not get any education so they would not pass it. Sorry i don't know about the actions of the KKK.

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What does the term exegesis mean with relation to comprehension tasks?

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Can education solve all social problems explain?

No. It may help some people be some better off, but education cannot prevent poverty or inequality or war or global warming.