

Best Answer

It's seems like Florida is the easiest state to be a teacher, bc their requirements are not as much as other states.

Other states you might check are:



New York


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Q: Easiest state to become a teacher?
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To become a teacher you go to college for 4-5 years, do student teaching, and full fill the state requirements for a credential.

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For a person to become a teacher, they must first attend college and have an education plan that helps them become a teacher. A future teacher will often major in what they want to teach while learning how to be a teacher. They will then need to have a license to teach in the state they want to be employed.

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Columbus state university

What things do you need to become a teacher?

A college degree and a State license.

Years to become a teacher?

Depends on what kind of teacher. In my state, you can teach high school with a Bachelor's degree, which takes 4 years to get.

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With a teacher

If I have a bachelors already, how many more years will it take to become an elementary school teacher?

You will need to take different teacher certifications. Those very form state to state.

Is there a special certification for music teacher jobs?

The best certification for getting any kind of teaching job is to become a certified teacher. This varies according to state, but it will allow you to become a professor of music.

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Substitute teachers must pass the same state licensing teacher exams as full time teachers. Each state is different so check with your state's board of education.