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from the greek words alpha and beta, the first 2 letters of the greek alphabet.

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Q: Does the the word alphabet come from the last 2 greek letters?
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What is the 2nd last letter of greek alphabet?

The 2nd last letter of the Greek alphabet is the letter "psi." It is the 23rd letter out of 24 letters in the Greek alphabet.

What is the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet?

The first letter of the Greek alphabet is "alpha" (Α, α) and the last letter is "omega" (Ω, ω).

Which is last alphabet of greek language?

Omega is the last word of the modern Greek Alphabet.

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W, X, y and Z are the last four letters of the alphabet.

What does AU stand for on the Catholic alter?

You are thinking of A and upside down U which are the first and last Greek letters of the Greek alphabet for ALPHA and OMEGA. Jesus is the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

What are the last letters of the greek alphabet?

"Υυ" (eepseelon), "Φφ" (fee), "Χχ" (khee), "Ψψ" (psee), "Ωω" (omegha)

Where do you think omega comes in the Greek alphabet?

Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

Taw is the last letter of which alphabet?

The last letter of the Greek alphabet is Tau The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Tav

What is Last letter in the greek alphabet?

The 24th (last) of the 24 letters in the modern Greek alphabet is omega, commonly represented by the symbol Ω.It is written as uppercase Ω (Ω), lowercase ω (ω); and the Greek name for the letter is ωμέγα.Ω - ω

What is the difference between alpha and omega?

in the bible revelation 22:13 i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end the first and the last (god says that) so the alpha and the omega means the beginning and the end the first and the last

Is beta the last letter in the Greek alphabet?

NO!!! 'Beta' is the second letter of the Classical Greek alphabet. The last letter is 'Omega'. NB THe word 'alohabet' comes from the fact that first two letter of the Classical Greek alphabet are 'ALPHA ,& BETa'.

Which state has the first and last letters of the alphabet?

Arizona has TWO of the the first letter in the alphabet (A) and Arizona has ONE of the last letter of the alphabet (B).