Many colleges accept credits earned in other educational institutions. The answer to this question would be, yes. Many colleges would accept credit from colleges overseas in the US.
There are colleges and universities that will give credit for military training and schools. However, they will require that you are an enrolled student with a declared major. Once you have choose some colleges and universities you have an interest in, you can contact them for detailed information on credit transfer from the military.
The colleges in Illinois do not recognize an actual diploma. They will recognize and give you credit for some of the classes you have completed at other colleges though.
Almost all. Most have a limit to how many credits you can receive.
It depends on which college you get into or apply to, some colleges do not accept AP as a college course, whereas some others do accept AP as college credit.
What colleges will accept a 2.2 GPA
There are over 2,900 colleges and universities in the US that grant credit to those who pass CLEP exams. The list of colleges can be found here: Most colleges limit CLEP credit to approximately 30 credits per student. However, a few colleges are more generous and will accept 60 or 90 credits. Hope this helps! **Full Disclosure*I am an employee of, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP preparation company.*
No colleges accept AP scores instead of SAT scores. This is because the tests do not measure the same things.The SAT measures the likelihood that a student will do well in college, but is not accepted as college credit. The AP is used to provide actual college credit, but does not predict college success.
Canadian Military Colleges ended in 1995.
Canadian Military Colleges was created in 1948.
Most colleges will not accept lower GPA's, except for community colleges and low-rate. Colleges. You need to keep looking for a decent college or raise your GPA.
Unfortunately there aren't many colleges yet that accept international applicants for online education