Infertility is when you can't have a baby. Sometimes the infertility also causes you not to have periods. A lack of periods in itself can be a cause of infertility
no you cant you have to be on your period
it cant.
u cant.
you can not stop your period it depends on your body and how it interact with the depo
Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic PMS, including fatigue, mood changes and breast tenderness. Cramping can accopany implantation of the embryo. Feeling these things does not necessarily mean that you are going to have a period. Wait for your period, or buy some early accuracy home pregnancy tests.
if they stare into your eyes for a period of time, it means that they have feelings for you or love you in such a way that they cant get enough of you.
No, your period follows ovulation.
your period is natural eat watever you want
You cant make yourself get your period you just have to wait
It can just mean the you are just going through a sprout period meaning you are growing up. It could mean that you like them or that you are in love but you shouldn't think to much of it until you get older.
cant carry a tune