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In the USA, all employees in the same "category" have to be offered the same benefits. For example, in a large company, the 'Executives' can have a different compensation plan than the 'Regular' employees' out in the shop. But all the hourly employees whose jobs have essentially the same work content, would fall under the same compensation plan, even if their hourly wage was different. The key to categorizing employees is work content, not job title, or even pay rate.

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Q: Does employer have offer the same benefits to all employees or can they offer different benefits to each employee?
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First of all, employers pay a payroll tax to the state based on number of employees, payroll amount and turnover rate of the employer, regardless of faults, for purposes of supplying benefits to workers who qualify for those benefits. Secondly, only the employers, never the employees, pay into the unemployment fund.

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hiring incentives that an employer can offer employees Answer 2 Things that an employer gives to his employees other than wages/salary. e.g health scheme, pension, free car, etc.

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There are situations where a California employer can hold an employee's wages. If the employee's wages are being garnished the employer can hold them.

How long must an employer pay unemployment benefits in Illlinois for a terminated eemployee?

The employer does not pay unemployment benefits. The employer pays unemployment insurance premiums to the State of lllinois. When the employee is terminated, the employee applies for unemployment benefits with the State of Illinois. The state determines if the employee is eligible for benefits and, if the employee is awarded benefits, those benefits are paid and monitored by the State of Illinois.

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Being a vested employee means that your rights to pension benefits are paid up and therefore not contingent on the employee's continuing in the service of the employer. Erisa (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) stipulates that employees be at least 25% vested in benefits derived from employer contributions after 5 years. By the time the employee has worked for 15 years their vesting must have risen to 100%.

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The employer is the person who employs the employee. Tarik Hani Arida Lawyer- Hashemite kindgdom Of jordan

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What does being a vest means?

Being a vested employee means that your rights to pension benefits are paid up and therefore not contingent on the employee's continuing in the service of the employer. Erisa (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) stipulates that employees be at least 25% vested in benefits derived from employer contributions after 5 years. By the time the employee has worked for 15 years their vesting must have risen to 100%.