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If instituted by the government as a rule for the general public yes. Obsenity laws say you have to wear cloths but not what style, cut and so forth. Now; private and public institutions have the right to regulate what employees and guest wear. This means that school uniforms are legal. Theoreticly, if you don't like a dress code you can change jobs or even schools, so the dress code does not violate your freedom of expression.

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Q: Does dress codes violate freedom of expression?
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Do dress codes violate freedom of expression?

Well in the first amendment it does say that you have freedom of expression. How do clothes hurt anything?

How does the societal norm of freedom of expression sometimes conflict with a set of workplace standards?

Freedom of expression can include how you dress. This can sometimes conflict with workplace standards if a company has a specific dress code.

Does dress codes violate student rights?

No, they just want the students to show they have some respect for themselves.

Why do students not want to have dress codes and uniforms?

Students may resist dress codes and uniforms as they may feel it limits their freedom of expression and individuality. They may also find them uncomfortable or unnecessary. Additionally, some students believe that dress codes or uniforms do not effectively address the issues they are meant to solve.

Why do Americans not have to wear a uniform to school?

In the United States, public schools generally do not have a requirement for students to wear uniforms. This is due to the value placed on individual expression and freedom of choice in clothing. As a result, school dress codes are typically implemented to ensure students dress appropriately rather than enforcing a uniform policy.

Does school uniforms invade self expression?

No. Dress codes are required throughout business and society, so a school dress code is just part of teaching students about the real world.

Can schools refuse you entry if you violate their dress code?

yes they can

Who decides whether school dress code violate the first amendment to the US constitution?

The school has the right to set a dress code and it doesn't limit free expression. When you are at school you basically have no rights and as a minor your rights are also limited. A school or business has the right to set a dress code. This has all ready gone to the courts and they found for the school.

Should you have uniforms?

People should not wear uniforms because it takes away from their personal uniqueness and expression. However, there should be dress codes for certain situations. With a dress code, people will still have many options at expressing themselves and their interests.

Who hates dress codes?

i do

Should students be allowed to wear armbands to protest war while in school?

The legality of wearing armbands in school to protest war is a complex issue. While students have a right to freedom of expression, schools can also impose dress codes to maintain order. Ultimately, it would depend on the school's policies and the specific circumstances of the protest.