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Q: Does a student have to attend a minimum amount of days to pass on to the next grade?
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Do student grants for college pay in addition to scholarships?

The Federal Pell Grant is the largest federal grant program and is based on financial need. To qualify, there is no minimum grade point average or other academic requirements, as along as you attend an eligible school.

What is the minimum grade a student must get in order to receive an A's if the mean grade was 72 and the standard deviation was 9?

Different examinations have different thresholds for A grades.

What does will not be promoted to the 6th grade by end of the school year mean?

That usually means the student did not complete the required class-work, or did not pass the required courses, or did not attend enough days of school to be given credit; the end result is the student cannot be promoted to grade six and will have to repeat grade five. Often, a notification like that is given early in the year as a warning; a meeting with the principal and the agreement to attend summer school can help the student to make up the necessary work and still get promoted. But in other cases, it means the decision has been made: the student will have to repeat the fifth grade, as he or she is not ready for the sixth grade.

What grade point do I need for college loans?

Many student loans that you get from the federal government do not require a good grade point average. If you have a private student loan, you may need to maintain a minimum GPA, but you would need to check the paperwork.

Can a sixth grade advanced student make a higher grade than a seventh grade basic student?

Yes, it is possible for a sixth grade advanced student to achieve a higher grade than a seventh grade basic student. Grades are based on individual performance and understanding of the material, so a dedicated and high-achieving student in a lower grade level can outperform a student in a higher grade with less proficiency.

What grade school did Harriet Tubman attend?

The 13 grade

How is a student's grade point average figured?

By calculating the average grade a student earned in school

Do you capitalize fourth when saying ..He is a Fourth Grade student?

No. it's not necessary. It should be --- He is a fourth grade student.

What do cornell jobs usually pay?

Student jobs at Cornell vary depending on the grade level of the student applicant, and pay increases the higher the grade level. The minimum hiring wage for students of all levels ranges from $7.25 to $9.25. The maximum pay for students of all levels ranges from $9.00 to $17.00.

C plus plus program that display student name course and grade using arrays of strings?

enum field { name, course, grade }; std::string student[3]; student[name] = "Joe Bloggs"; student[course] = "C++ Programming"; student[grade] = "A+";

What Grades are required to attend college?

What does your grade point average have to be to attend college

What did Benjamin Banneker do for the society?

I don't know A 3rd grade student I don't know A 3rd grade student