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Q: Does Karl Rove hold a college degree?
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Did Franklin Pierce hold a degree?

Yes -- he earned a bachelor's degree from Bowdoin College.

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How is it that Karl Rove can not get hold of Hillary Rodham Clinton's Medical Records?

Because he has no legal right to them. He isn't her husband, her legal guardian, or her doctor. Medical records are confidential, to protect the patient's privacy. (That means Mr. Rove's are confidential too-- a curious reporter concerned about Mr. Rove's sudden weight gain, for example, could not see the records of his physical exam without his permission.) There is no reason why Mr. Rove should have access to Hillary Clinton's confidential medical records, since he is not treating her for any illnesses. It should also be noted that not releasing one's medical records does not mean a person has something to hide. Most presidential candidates do release the results of their physical exams, but candidates have every right to keep certain records confidential. Further, it should be noted that Karl Rove is a Republican political operative. His job is to create doubt about Democrats. There is no credible evidence that Hillary Clinton is seriously ill, but Rove's job is to make you think she is. It's sad, but that's politics.

What kind of cigarettes do rich people smoke?

Smoking among people who hold above a college degree is rare, but not unseen. 4.4 million people in the United States who hold above a college degree are current smokers. There is no specific brand of cigarettes that white collar people smoke.

Did Einstein hold a masters degree?

No, his highest qualification was a teaching diploma after a four year course at Zurich Technical College.

What percentage of Canadians hold a bachelor's degree?

Approximately 30% of Canadians hold a bachelor's degree.

How many college students drop out?

Only 25% of the population have a 4 year collegedegree, so this means that 75% do not finish college or never go. The population with a MA/MS is less with 5% hold that degree and only 1% hold a doctorate.

I hold bachelor's degree in B.Pharmacy from India how can I become a doctor in US?

You will need to show proof (transcripts) of college courses taken in a foreign country. Once that has been done, you will need another 3 years in college for a Masters degree and then you might be admitted to medical school.

What education requirements are need for a computer specialist job?

You must hold a degree in computer science or some other related degree from trade school or college. Some computer specialist gain their degree through independent studies and successful completion of industry certification exams.

What percentage of women in the world hold a PhD degree?

Approximately 25% of women in the world hold a PhD degree.

Does Alex Rodriguez hold a degree at the University of Miami?

No, he does not hold a degree at the University of Miami. He got drafted to the MLB straight from the University of Miamis college baseball team. He did not graduate but they still named there baseball stadium after him. He is also banking in $33 mill a year at the current moment being the highest paid player. So I dont think the degree is hurting him in any way.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a college degree?

Glenn Beck went to Sehome High School