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It depends on the specific college/university and the study program. Some would require to finish a thesis, while others would require to pass an extensive exam. Others would only require you to have a certain GPA.

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Q: Do you have to take a test before you are permitted to graduate Mexico?
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Can you take biology two years in a row?

You can. In fact if you flunk it you will be required to take it before you can graduate.

Do I have to take other classes before taking a graduate degree?

Typically yes. Graduate coursework is advanced study that follows undergraduate coursework.

What test must you take in order to get into most graduate colleges?

There's a standardized test similar to the SAT called the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) that most graduate schools want to see before making admissions decisions.

Do you graduate school before or after the last day or if on the last day?

Graduation ceremonies usually take place 3 or 4 days before the end of school and after you have completed all classes with passing grades you graduate. On the last day of school you have graduated.

How many people go to the pros before they graduate?

Graduate Highschool or College. Some sports require you have to take some College years and others allow you to go straight from high school.

Should I take acidophilis before going to Mexico?

It is generally safe to take acidophilus before going to Mexico, as it may help support gut health and reduce the risk of traveler's diarrhea. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially before traveling to a different country.

What happens if you only get 3 credits as a freshman in high school?

You flunked your freshman year and will have to take the classes you didn't pass before you can graduate high school. At this rate most likely it will take 5 years to graduate unless you begin to apply yourself.

How long does it take in the Sims 3 for your children to go through boarding school?

they go to boarding school until they graduate or become adults.....most sims graduate a few days before becoming an adult

Is it necessary to get H1N1 shot before traveling from US to Mexico?

Actually, it is more likely to catch the H1N1 in America than in Mexico. You should take that shot even if you are not traveling to Mexico soon.

If you have a bachelor's degree but havent been accepted to graduate school can you take graduate core classes prior to being accepted to graduate school?

That is strictly up to the department and whether it is a restricted program (for example, medical schools). There are some graduate schools that will allow a student to take one or two basic courses particular to a field or study before committing to the degree. However, you would have to check with each school.

Can a student straight out of high school go to a college to take courses for a Masters?

No cause you have to graduate from high school before you go to college

Do you need a bachelors b4 you take graduate classes?

Yes, that is why they are called "Graduate classes"