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Essentially ovulation causes pregnacny if the egg is fertilized. A woman becomes pregnant during ovulation and if the egg is fertilized in becomes implanted into the uterine lining. So technically ovulation is the first step toward pregnancy.
Ovulation does stop during pregnancy because there is already an egg in your uterus.

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No. Sometimes if women spend a long time together, their periods can synch up. But this could never happen on a global scale, and ovulation is pretty random.

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12y ago

Ovulation does stop during pregnancy because there is already an egg in your uterus.

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Q: Do women ovulate during pregnancy
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If you are pregnant do you still ovulate?

Hi No once pregnant You can't ovulate. Your body automatically creates a hold on future eggs being released during pregnancy. Actually many women who are in their 30's have been pregnant and 4 weeks later found out they are having another baby. It is rare but some older women do ovulate during pregnancy.

Is there still secretion on the day of ovulation if you get pregnant?

No, women do not ovulate stop during pregnancy (inhibited by high levels of estrogen and progesterone)

How soon do you ovulate after pregnancy?

You do not ovulate after pregnancy. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the body naturally stops ovulating and begins the process for creating the pathway for the baby to be born. If women could ovulate during pregnancy, that would mean pregnant women still participating in sex, which some do, could get pregnant, and have a full grown and half grown fetus at the same time. Imagine how complicated birth would be!

Do you still somehow lose ova regularly during a normal pregnancy?

No, you do not ovulate during pregnancy. The reason you menstruate is because you have a egg that is not fertilized. That egg along with the lining of the uterus comes out during menstruation. During pregnancy the uterus is closed to protect the fetus and you do not ovulate or menstruate.

How common is it to fall pregnant during mid cycle with condom breaking?

Well, your prime time for pregnancy is around 14 days after your period. That is usually when most women ovulate.

Can you ovulate during a prolonged period?

Most women ovulate between day 12 and day 18 of their cycle.

Can you be pregnant while on a period?

it is possible to get pregnant while on your period, it depends when you ovulate, i just read that some women ovulate during their period most women ovulate 14 days before their period is due

How can you tell if you ovulate early?

Ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period. And during the time of ovulation is when you can get pregnant. So essentially ovulation causes pregnancy if the egg is properly fertilized.

What is the difference between safe and unsafe period?

During your menstrual cycle there is a period known as safe which is when you don't ovulate. The opposite is the period when you do ovulate which is unsafe if you want to avoid pregnancy. Some couples rely ion this as a contraceptive but it's very unsafe since women don't always ovulate at the same days each month.

Can you fall pregnant a couple of days before your period?

Pregnancy can accur anytime a women ovulates. A women can ovulate anytime of the month, even if they are on their periods!

Does your face break out during pregnancy?

Some women experience blemishes during pregnancy.

What are the signs of pregnancy during ovulation?

Some women have a slight amount of discharge when they are ovulating.