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It depends on the university, obviously, but if the university doesn't have strict SAT requirements, etc, then most will. Note that colleges and universities have limited spots to fill during admissions, and are looking for a variety of people, so not everyone who applies (qualified or not) gets in. Talk to an admissions counselor at the university you are interested in, and explain the situation. They can advise you on what you need to do, and on things you can do to improve your chances if that is needed.

Your chances are pretty terrible of being accepted if you have a GED and (from what I gathered?) juvenile record. Even without the record, things are still not very shiny. However, if you go to a local 2-year school for a year, you do have quite a good shot at transferring into a reputable 4-year school (assuming you can get some good SAT scores and a strong GPA at the community college). It's been done many times. I would call your local community college about starting classes as soon as possible (you usually need at least 30 credits to qualify as a sophomore transfer). So long as you're a sophomore transfer student, they usually won't inquire about your high school record at all.

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12y ago

yes. 100% of all US universities accept GEDs For GED testing centers, fees, requirements, practice questions, GED news and blogs, please visit: To locate your nearest GED testing center:

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11y ago

is their any universities accept the GED certificate in Georgia

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