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No becase some students would act up just to get what they want. And what they don't want is school uniforms I don't think you could say that uniforms would always improve behavior. The Hiler youth wore uniforms. Also what about the trench coat mofia. A trench coat is part of a uniform.

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14y ago

School uniforms assist in maintaining school discipline by preventing gangs from wearing special clothing to intimidate. It prevents girls from wearing sexy clothing. So it prevents a number of distractions related to clothing. It does not do away with pushing and shoving, class clowns or a lot of misbehavior. So school uniforms have uses but are not a panacea.

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Q: Do school uniforms mantain the school discipline?
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Why the pirates wearing Crawford uniforms?

The advantages of wearing your school uniforms are it helps maintain school discipline.

What are the advantages of wearing school uniforms?

The advantages of wearing your school uniforms are it helps maintain school discipline. Uniforms reduce social conflict and violence in the school. You will have no distractions during school or your classes.

How do school uniforms help students with discipline?

they dont the school just doesnt want other students to judge

Do people think school uniforms should be abolished?

Opinions on school uniforms vary. Some believe uniforms promote equality, discipline, and a sense of belonging, while others argue they restrict individual expression and creativity. Ultimately, the decision to abolish school uniforms depends on the specific school community's values and priorities.

Which is the best evidence for a claim supporting mandatory school uniforms?

Research studies showing improved student behavior, discipline, and academic performance in schools where uniforms are mandatory would be the best evidence to support the claim for mandatory school uniforms.

How many people like school uniforms?

Opinions on school uniforms vary. Some people believe that wearing school uniforms creates a sense of equality and discipline, while others feel that it limits self-expression and individuality. Ultimately, the number of people who like school uniforms will depend on their personal experiences and beliefs.

What countries do children were school uniform in?

Some countries where children wear school uniforms include Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Uniforms are often seen as a way to promote equality and discipline among students.

Why school uniforms are bad to wear?

School uniforms are seen as restrictive and can stifle individuality and self-expression. They can also be costly for families to purchase. Some argue that they do not necessarily improve discipline or academic performance.

What is the objectives of the study of school uniforms?

The objectives of studying school uniforms may include examining their impact on student behavior, academic performance, and self-expression. Researchers may also investigate the effects of uniforms on school unity, discipline, and social inequalities. Additionally, they might explore attitudes towards uniforms among students, parents, and faculty members.

How do school uniforms prepare students for the future?

School uniforms can teach students about professionalism, equality, and discipline, which are valuable skills in the workforce. Wearing uniforms also minimizes distractions related to clothing choices and social status, helping students focus more on their education and future goals.

Do School uniforms make students organized?

School uniforms can promote a sense of discipline and equality among students by reducing distractions related to fashion trends. However, being organized is influenced by various factors beyond attire, such as study habits, time management, and overall discipline. While uniforms may contribute to a sense of order, they are not the sole determining factor in a student's organizational skills.

Why do school uniforms exist?

School uniforms exist for several reasons, including promoting a sense of equality and unity among students, reducing distractions related to clothing choices, and instilling a sense of discipline and focus on academics. Additionally, uniforms can help to diminish socioeconomic differences among students and create a sense of belonging to the school community.