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I can not completely answer that question because I do not know what kind of boy you are talking about. If its a regular boy that's not very popular, then they're usually looking for the real you. Not some makeup faced girl. They won't see the real you. But if you're talking about the kind of boy that is always by those stuck up cheer-captains, then yes usually it is a good idea to wear makeup so that the boy falls for you instead of the popular gal.

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Oh my...yes, middle school guys like girls who wear makeup, but usually not girls who wear a huge amount of it.

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Yes of course :) dimples are wonderful and acne is normal !

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Q: Do middle school guys like girls who wear makeup?
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CUZ WE ARE COOL LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. If you look at it scientifically, its all hormones. Middle school is the point in life when girls become interested in guys and guys become interested in girls. We can't help ourselves. We are starting to learn about relationships. --Tomoko X__X

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What do middle school girls like about guys?

looks, personality, popularWhat the person above put is wrong!personalitynicelookssmartfunnysome girls may like popular guys, but it really matters if they are nice!

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