You need to have a highschool diploma before you can get a degree in cosmetology. It is important to go to school for hair styling as well otherwise no one will hire you with out some sort of degree of certification.
Yes...and even if for what ever reason you dont, you should get it anyway. No graduating highschool serverly limits your opportunities in the real world, and if firefighting doesnt work out then it would be good to have the diploma so you could do something else other than being a janitor.
no you do not need a diploma to become a photographer, you just have to learn how to work the camera and the lights and everything else that is in photography
No. But it might not work out so a diploma is a good back up.
any online highschool is probably the least respected education. considering most college graduates dont have jobs this year.. kepp going to school highschool will get you very little in the way of good work options.
no you do not need a high school diploma to work at Starbucks.
yes you do
No, you don't need a High School Diploma or GED to work for McDonalds as a crew member, but you do need it if you want to qualify for advance posistions such general manager, etc.
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I do think with a regular regents you need a diploma in order to graduate or you can graduate from high diploma school.