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They do not. Essentialism is not about building a new society; it is more about deconstructing society down to its parts and understanding it on the most fundamental level.

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Ethel Nitzsche

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Q: Do essentialist aim to teach students to reconstruct society?
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Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society?

No, essentialists focus on teaching students key knowledge and skills to prepare them for the workforce and society as it is currently structured. They prioritize traditional academic subjects and core skills over societal reconstruction.

Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested?

No. First of all there is no "essentialist " teachers. The curriculum taught by teachers is set by the state department of education the federal department of education, and the school district the teacher has very little say in the curriculum . The teacher is given a framework for each subject in each grade and told what to teach. When lesson plans are done the teacher must include the framework number, and objective for teaching the lessons. Textbooks are written to conform to the framework and state testing determine what is learned. It doesn't matter if the students are motivated to learn the subjects or not. Students come to school with various concerns and from various conditions. The word learn is a verb which means the students have to take an active part in the learning process.

Do essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested?

No, essentialist teachers prioritize teaching foundational knowledge and skills regardless of student interest. They believe in a core curriculum of essential subjects to provide a strong educational foundation for all students. Interest may be a factor in engaging students, but essentialists do not deviate from teaching the basics.


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