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they might. it depends on the college you're applying to. i do nyssma solos for viola, and i think they would look at scores but im not positive.

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Q: Do colleges look at nyssma scores?
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Employers don't look at ACT scores. Community colleges usually offer open enrollment for anyone with a high school diploma, and don't require ACT scores. Four-year universities vary widely in what they consider scores acceptable for enrollment.

When are the sat scores do for colleges?

All colleges have different timelines for when SAT scores are due. Go to a particular school's website and under admission, you can find out their specific timeline.

Do colleges check ACT scores or SAT scores?

Yes. The scores are sent to them from the testing service. Which score a school prefers is depended on the school and their admission process. At this point, most schools will look at either of them, but check with their admission office to determine which they want to see.

What solo should you play for NYSSMA?

It depends on what level you're taking. There is a manual for NYSSMA that lists all the choices of the piece you'll be playing.

What colleges do not require SAT scores?

Bowdoin, Bates, Hampshire

Should colleges accept students with high test scores or students with strong extracurricular backgrounds?

Most colleges want students with both good test scores and strong extracurricular backgrounds.

How long does it take electronically before colleges receive sat scores?

Colleges may take up to two weeks to receive the test scores. Although the sending of scores is done electronically, it takes a surprisingly long amount of time for CollegeBoard to actually send out your scores, depending on the amount of requests.

Does Harvard University accept ACT or SAT?

Most colleges will accept both, but you will find that, typically, colleges on either US coast will prefer the SAT and colleges are more inland will prefer the ACT.

Is there such thing as NYSSMA for ukulele?

Yes, it is available for an ukulele.

When are the nyssma solos for 2009?

April 24-25

Does the College Board release PSAT scores to colleges?

Yes. But you can choose not to have them sent.