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Any California resident of at least 6 months can get a free education to any public California college as long as they are accepted into it.

California also has a program called ROP (Regional Occupational Program) that allows you to receive training in a particular vocation. This training can last anywhere from a few months to a little over a year. It is free as well, however you would receive a certificate not a diploma as it is not college.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

For colleges and universities within the United States and its territories, you can obtain this information by clicking on the related links section (College Board) indicated at the bottom of this answer section and using the College Board site College MatchMaker search engine. You can research colleges and universities by name, or by programs of study, or by geographical location, size, or combinations of part or all of them. The site will provide you with a list of institutions based on your request. It will give you the schools background, accreditation, degree offerings, programs of study (majors), entrance requirements, tuition and fees, financial assistance, room and board, athletic programs, school activities, etc., and a link to each institutions official web page. Practice navigating this site. It will be well worth the time and effort.


When choosing a college or university within the United States, make sure the institution has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. Below I have listed the six regional accrediting agencies and their geographical areas of responsibility. I am disclosing the below so you do not become a victim of educational scams, institutions that are nothing more than diploma mills, or that do not have the best accreditation, and are eager to take your money for a degree that is worthless. Make sure the institution is accredited by one of following responsible agencies.

Regional Accreditation Agencies

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βˆ™ 13y ago

That's what colleges do (offer degrees), and there are many colleges and universities in California.


Of course they do! There's a variety of degrees out there (Associate, Bachelors, Masters and PhD) as well as ways in which you can get them (online versus campus based degrees). California College San Diego is one of the colleges in San Diego CA offering healthcare, business administration, technology and graphic arts degrees that you may be interested in.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: Do colleges in California offer degrees?
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Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.Community colleges offer associate degrees (two year programs of study) not bachelor's degrees.

Which colleges have degrees?

All colleges and universities offer degree programs. Many offer undergraduate degrees to include associate and bachelors degrees, and many offer graduate degrees to include masters and doctorates.Most colleges offer degrees. Some might offer certificates only. A degree is a level of education like an associate, bachelor's or master's level or degree.

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Degrees can be earned online in California through a variety of online courses and websites. Many colleges can offer online degrees so picking the right college is important.

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Do community colleges offer masters degree programs?

Yes community colleges offer masters degree programs. You should contact the admissions office at the community college that you are interested in attending for additonal information. Community colleges offer two-year Associate Degrees and a number of vocational and technical degrees. Colleges and universities that offer four-year degrees also offer an array of graduate degrees and doctoral programs, depending on the various departments of the institution.

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There are two colleges of veterinary medicine in California: The University of California at Davis and Western University.

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