I am looking for a accredited high school diploma program that are accept at community colleges in the state of Mississippi
All of the colleges in Tennessee will accept someone with a GED.
what college will accept ny john adams vitual school high school diploma
are there any colleges that will accept cornerstone diploma's
In most cases a US diploma will be accepted by Canadian colleges.
Monroe College Morrisville OCC
Any Houston Community College.......
Your high school diploma is not a guarantee to get into any college. Colleges have their own selection criteria. If it is a private school with accredited diploma then yes all colleges accept such diplomas.
does ocean county college accept a christian based high school diploma
Emirtaes aviation college do accept pennford hihg school diplom
The colleges in Illinois do not recognize an actual diploma. They will recognize and give you credit for some of the classes you have completed at other colleges though.
None Ive tried applying at every school and they say its not accredited