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Only when no one is looking at them.

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Q: Do Daphnia magna sleep
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Related questions

When was Daphnia magna created?

Daphnia magna was created in 1820.

What is daphnia magna?

It is a species of water flea

What is the scientific name for daphnia?

The scientific name for daphnia is Daphnia pulex. Daphnia are small, planktonic crustaceans commonly used in scientific research as a model organism due to their transparent bodies and ease of cultivation in the laboratory.

How do population changes of aquatic invertebrates indicate water quality?

In freshwater pollutant testing, various species of Daphnia are used.(Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex being most common). Specimens are added to the sample, and then the amount of time until death is one of the many ways they are used to identify the presence of and concentrations of various chemicals. These results are compared with results of similar tests in a lab environment.

Do daphnia eat hydras?

No, Daphnia can not eat Hydra, Because the Hydra has tentacles to capture the Daphnia and eat it. The Daphnia therefore can not get free which means the Hydra can eat the Daphnia. The Hydra therefore has more force and can eat the Daphnia. Your answer is NO.

How do daphnia breathe?

daphnia exretes nails and sweat

When was Daphnia pulex created?

Daphnia pulex was created in 1758.

When was Daphnia occidentalis created?

Daphnia occidentalis was created in 1986.

When was Daphnia jollyi created?

Daphnia jollyi was created in 1973.

When was Daphnia lumholtzi created?

Daphnia lumholtzi was created in 1885.

When was Daphnia galeata created?

Daphnia galeata was created in 1864.

When was Daphnia coronata created?

Daphnia coronata was created in 1916.