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The difference between "university", "college" and "school" is the size of the student body, where "university" is the greatest, and "school" is the smallest. While you can have a standalone college or school, a university is comprised of smaller schools and/or colleges; e.g., Barnard College (circa 2,300 students) is a standalone women's college that offers undergraduate degrees, while Columbia University confers its undergraduate degrees through Columbia College (ca. 4,100 students), the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ca. 1,400 students) and the School of General Studies (ca. 1,300 students).

Informally, in the US, College usually refers to undergraduate work, following high school. A School of Business or a Business School would be the institution, within the university, that houses the business department.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Generally speaking a University is made up of several colleges, and a college is made up of several school. Although a college can sometime be a school of itself.

For example, a university might have business college, engineering college, and so on. The engineering college might has a school of electrical engineering, school of mechanical engineering, etc. But the business college might be the business school.

It don't really think their is any hard, fast rule on this. However, it does usually follow that schools are named after a person that has donated a large sum of money to that school. :-)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Any institution particular to education and instruction can be considered a school. A college is an institution of higher education and typically broken down into departments within the school. For example, the English department, business department, engineering department etc. A university is typically made up of schools or colleges that fall under the University. For example, the school of business, or school of engineering, school of health related professions, etc.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


A: You need to be more specific with your question. :) in some aspects, no, college isn't the same as high school, middle, or elementary. It's much more difficult.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

School is a place to learn

Collage is not a place to learn. It is a mix of things. Like tiles all compiled together to make a picture.

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