Hi there, the related studies are those recent research or thesis that's already been published and approved, while the related literature are those articles, news, or statement coming from different medias and people, for instance, a doctor told you that we only use 10% of our brains, then that is the related literature, or like, you found a book saying that the body is 70% percent, that is the related literature.
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when we say related literature, we are pertaining to written informations about a certain subject of interest which will include those of the books, journals, articles, and internet resources. While when we say related studies, these are focused on the discussion regarding a certain phenomena that could be testable descriptively or experimentally. so it's not just based on information but through inferences.
- A literary review is a summary about a specific topic in essay form
-contains a summary, evaluation, and analysis of a particular topic or argument
-informs the readers about the topic's pros and cons and how the author's insights differ from, and conform to, previous arguments about it.
-The literary review mostly comes from an annotated bibliography but unlike it, it can be a literary work by itself.
It is a book that reviews related studies and literature. The studies are conducted in the United States and abroad.
The related studies that reviews the related literature on imports is usually taught in finance. Students who pursue Bachelor of Commerce usually cover this subject.
An empirical literature review focuses on existing research studies and data, analyzing and synthesizing findings to draw conclusions. In contrast, a theoretical literature review examines existing theories, frameworks, and concepts in the field to provide a theoretical understanding of the topic.
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ako nga nagtatanong eh ...
Related literature and studies are formulated by conducting a thorough review of existing literature on the topic of interest. This involves gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information from various sources such as academic journals, books, and research studies. The goal is to provide a comprehensive background and context for the research being conducted.
When we say related literature, we are pertaining to written informations about a certain subject of interest which will include those of the books, journals, articles, and internet resources. While when we say related studies, these are focused on the discussion regarding a certain phenomena that could be testable descriptively or experimentally, so it's not just based on information but through inferences.
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Yes there is.
The difference between literature and studies is: Literature refers to texts, books, pieces of writing; written works. Studies refers to research, analysis and/or experimentation regarding a subject, and may refer to written work that regards such studies.