dormant comes from the latin verb "dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitus" which means "to sleep/be idle"
The word dormant is said in the Latin language as sopita. This word is said in Italian as inattivo and in Spanish as latente.
The word "dict" originates from the Latin verb "dicere," which means "to say" or "to speak." It is used in English as a prefix meaning "to speak about" or "to say."
i don't know and who cares.......
Tell the answer of the orgin of the word responsibility and the answer will come
late Middle English: from Latin addere, from ad- 'to' + the base of dare 'put.'
Episcopo is Italian in origin, from the Latin word "episcopus" meaning "bishop".
The name comes from the Latin word for pipes (appropriate, since a plumber works with pipes). Early pipes were made from the metal Lead- and the Latin word for lead is Plumbum.
the Latin word for come is 'venio'
Yes the word in latin is addicere which means to be sentenced in latin
Yes, the word "pedestrian" does come from Latin. It is derived from the Latin word "pedester," which means "on foot."
The grass goes DORMANT during the winter just to come alive again in the spring