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traditional nine-month school year with a long summer vacation

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4y ago

There are already, in place, in effect, many substitutes. Our political and religious creation named homeschooling. In my view, a disaster. The second one is online classes. The next generation of a disaster. Both inspire isolation, have no performance standards and have no teaching professionals. The other issue is the social factor as to teamwork development. In many aspects, the year-round school with breaks at elected times is satisfactory.

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I don’t understand

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Q: Describe two alternatives to the traditional nine-month school year with a long summer vacation?
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According to a thesaurs an ant. for ' Describe' is undetailed, or unmarked. Depending on what sentace your are using. Like one for undeatiled is ' After their vacation to their cousin's house they described the trip undetailedly.' See. it's all in how it's said!