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When a physical object moves in air, it causes vibrations which lead to compression waves in the air. These waves travel in the form of sound.

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Q: Describe how a sound travels through air when a student taps his pencil on a desk?
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How does sound travel through air when a student taps his pencil on a desk?

Why this is in the jokes and riddles section is beyond me. Anyhow, when a student taps his pencil on a desk, the impact causes the pencil and the desk to vibrate. This vibration also causes the air to vibrate, and vibrations in the air = sound!

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This phenomenon, known as refraction, occurs when light travels through different mediums with varying densities, causing it to change direction. When a pencil is placed in water, for example, the light rays from the pencil bend as they pass from the air into the water, creating the illusion of a broken pencil.

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When light travels from water to air, it changes speed and bends, causing the pencil to appear bent. This effect is known as refraction. The change in speed causes the light rays from the pencil to change direction as they pass through the interface between water and air, creating the illusion of a bent pencil.

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