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it is called the water cycle

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water cycle

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Q: Continuous movement of water from water sources to the air to the ground and back to the water sources?
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What do you call continuous movements of water from water sources to the air to the ground and back to water sources?

Evaporation, condensation, and that last one where the rain falls back down again in the water cycle.

What is the water that is a continuous movement of water from lakes and oceans into the air onto land into the ground and back to lakes and oceans?

your moms butt

Is the continuous movement of water into the air then onto land and then back to water sources is known as the water cycle?

Yes, when water goes through evaporation condensation precipitation and accumulation.

How does the water cycle help develop the river systems?

The water cycle is the continuous movement of water From water sources such as lakes or oceans. The water goes Into the air and back down into the body of water by rain.

Through which sphere does water constantly circulate?

The hydrosphere is the sphere where water constantly circulates on Earth, moving between the atmosphere, surface water bodies like oceans and rivers, and below-ground water sources like aquifers. This continuous movement is known as the water cycle.

Continuous movement of water on earth?

The water cycle

What makes water to evaporation?

The cause is the continuous movement of water molecules at the water surface.

What makes water evaporate except heat?

This is the continuous movement of water molecules.

What are three sources of energy that will not run out?

Three sources of renewable energy that will not run out are solar power, wind power, and hydropower. These sources rely on natural and continuous processes like sunlight, wind movement, and water flow, making them sustainable for the long term.

What is the constant movement of water?

It is called a current

What does water evaporate when heated?

At higher temperature the continuous movement of water molecules is accelerated.

What Continuous movement of water from Earths surface to the and back to earths surface?

it is water cycle