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conceptual framework of online ticketing system

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Q: Conceptual framework of online ordering system?
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How do you develop conceptual framework?

Conceptual frameworks are abstract representations connected to the research's projects goal that direct the collection and analysis of data. ÊFor example, Economist use the conceptual framework," supply" and "demand" ti distinguish between the behavior and incentive system of firms and consumers

In accounting what does conceptual framework mean?

The Conceptual Framework has been described as a constitution, a coherent system of interrelated objectives and fundamentals that can lead to consistent standards and that prescribe the nature, function, and limit of financial accounting and reporting.- Intermediate accounting , Sixth EditionBySpicelandSepeNelson

Who is Stan Garber?

Stan Garber is one of the three founder of web development firm O-Web Technologies ( and the ONOSYS Online Ordering System ( the world's premier online ordering system.

What has the author Betty Laura Beach written?

Betty Laura Beach has written: 'A conceptual framework and decision model for application of value analysis of entrees in a food production system'

What is the ordering system?

The definition of ordering system is the program or method in which the ordering process is carried out. Examples of an ordering system are MRP, DRP and fixed reorder point.

What is the definition of ordering system?

The definition of ordering system is the program or method in which the ordering process is carried out. Examples of an ordering system are MRP, DRP and fixed reorder point.

Is a computer a physical system or a conceptual system or both?

A computer is a physical system which works on conceptual basics. so you can say it's both.

What are advantages of conceptual system over the real system?

Conceptual systems do not involve the expense or effort of implementation. Conceptual systems are good for stimulating debate with out the need for a physical example. Conceptual systems are necessary where there are missing pieces or technology required to implement the system but some feature of the system needs to be discussed.

How do you adopt online ordering system for my restaurant but where to find the best service?

That was a good decision on opting online ordering system for your restaurant. As people expect instant services from restaurants, owners have ended up with adopting this technology. If you are looking out for the best service provider then I would definitely suggest you 3Z eSolutions. As I have seen their services at restaurants that I have been to. Their online ordering systems work efficiently with added up advantages.

What are the scope and limitation of online ordering system?

The scope of an online ordering system is global. This type of sales allows the average citizen in America to purchase items in foreign countries without paying a high tariff on the goods. One limitation to online ordering is that the buyer, if buying clothing items, does not have the ability to try on the clothing before purchase.

What do the components of a conceptual model have in common?

The components of a conceptual model are all a part of the same system.

How justdial get its revenue?

Justdial has 3 revenue models as of now.. Paid listings, Display Ads and Online Food ordering system