You can go to an online college while you're in high school. Studying college level textbooks is also a way to get educated before you go to college.
yes you may
yes you can go to collage if you went to school online or you can go to an online collage if you prefer
yes you can my brother Anthony can he goes to college and high school so yeah its possible.
I am 18 still in high school and my school has duel credit classes which is high school and college classes and they are Medical Terminology, Human Behavior and Disorders, and Psychology. All are high school and college credit courses once i complete my last class i will earn my CNA license. There are many other duel credit classes outside of the medical field.
That is up to the college providing instruction. There are many schools that provide opportunities to take college classes while still in high school. As long as the high school and college work together it can be a great experience! I did it when I was in high school and know several students around my area that do it now.
Yes. An online education, though cheaper a majority of the time, is still an education and you will still have to pay for your classes. There are grants and scholarships just like a college that may lead you to not have to pay for your education yourself, but online courses will still require you to pay.
Yes you can. You can also take online classes instead of night school. They work much better and you can still get the same credit. Check it out with your counselor. Good Luck! :)
Yes, a college is a school.
Yes, most universities allow students to register online now once you are a registered official student. There are still some school that do not allow you to register online the first time registering for classes though so it will depend on the school you attend and what rules they have about online registration.
I guess for most it is 18, but if you are truly gifted maybe a few years before that.In CA high school students can go to college classes. I have had them in the college classes that I have taught. They are still in high school, but they can attend some classes at a college.
Veterinarians have to complete four years of undergraduate college before four years in vet med school, so your high school experience should focus primarily on getting into a good undergraduate school. Take a lot of science classes--particularly biology and chemistry, as these will help tremendously in their college equivalents. Math classes are also very important, so plan on taking some sort of calculus your junior or senior year. The importance of high school classes is to prepare you for college, but vet med schools probably won't look at the classes you actually took. However, undergraduate schools will, so be sure to take the most challenging classes your school has to offer to make sure you get into a good pre-vet school. If your school offers AP classes, take as many as you can and try to score high on the AP tests, because you can get college credit for these classes and they provide excellent preparation for college courses (many of my friends who did not take AP biology in high school are struggling in college biology). Even if you don't like the class or are not interested in it, you should still take it--high school is a place to demonstrate your work ethic and your academic ability in a wide range of disciplines, and once you get into college you will have more opportunity to take classes that interest you. Colleges also look for extracurricular activities, so get involved in something you are interested in--work for a local veterinarian, volunteer for a charity, or play a sport for your school. Good luck!