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How is science involved in fashion designing?

You have to study textiles which is a form of chemistry. I had to do a quarterly report on it in my chemistry class. You have to know what they are made from and how they mix and such.

What is another word for homeroom?

Class, form, study session.

How is Political Science related to Philosophy?

Political science IS a philosophy. It is the study of how people form politics and policies.

Is physic energy a form of study in physical science?

Physic Energy

What is the full form of mathematics?

Mathematics is the full form for the branch of science dealing with numbers and related topics; it comes from the Greek mathema meaning learning, study or science.

What are the basic science branches?

The basic branches of science include biology (study of living organisms), chemistry (study of matter), physics (study of energy and matter), and earth science (study of the Earth). These disciplines form the foundation for more specialized fields of study.

Is a radio a form of sound energy?

yes it is i learned that in science class the other day

What is the difference between Science and Technolofy?

Science is study of things or happenings around us. Technolofy is to make things in technology form.

What is the Relationship between theology and science?

Theology is the study about religions while science is the study of, well science. An application of the difference may be: Theology says God made Earth, but science says hot hydrogen gases came together to form a hot core is what formed Earth.

How can you get an application form to study Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy at Mzuzu University?

through my facebook account

What does the medical terminology combining form -logist mean?

A person who specializes in a particular field of science or study.

What means means the science that deals with the form and structure of plants and animal?

The science that deals with the form and structure of plants is called botany, while the science that deals with the form and structure of animals is called zoology. Both fields study the morphology, anatomy, and classification of plants and animals.