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You can have Diabetes and work for the post office. It is not something that needs to be divulged in order to be hired.

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Q: Can you have diabetes and work for the post office?
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Post office.Postal service.

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Sure can. No reason why not.

Why do you put postage on a letter?

The Post Office is not a charity. They don't work for free. When you buy stamps, you are paying the Post Office for the charges incurred by them for handling and processing your mail.

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Only if you work in the post office!

plural of post office?

Post Offices

Am I a fleet post office or army post office?

FPO = Fleet post office for Navy personel. Apo = Army post office for Army personel

Where can I find information on how postage meters work?

A postage meter is regulated by the United States Post office. If you would like more information about how postage meters work, you can find out more at your local United States Post Office.