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Q: Can you go to UCLA to get a degree in architecture?
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Who was the librarian completed his or her MLIS degree at UCLA?

There have been several librarians to complete his or her MLIS degree at UCLA. One of the people to finish was Elizabeth Grossman.

What did kareem have degree in?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar graduated from UCLA with a degree in history.

What can you do with an architecture degree?

If you have an architecture degree and planning to make a living out of it, you can apply jobs to architecture firms and construction firms. Or if you have enough money, you can build your own architecture firm.

What is the BARCH degree?

This is a Bachelor of Architecture degree

What is an accreditation for UCLA?

if you are talking about accreditation for the school of architecture. They don't have one. : (. go to the Nation accreditation Board, google it and look up other colleges that are accredited and what it means.

How much to go to UCLA?

How much for the whole year to go to UCLA?

What did Jackie study at UCLA?

she got a history degree

Why Architecture degree is important?

A degree is a proof of qualification. Architects designs buildings. And to proof that one is an expert in a course like architecture, a degree is needed.

What is the difference between a master of architecture and a bachelor of architecture?

The B-Arch is an undergraduate degree in architecture that can last up to five years. The B-Tech is a Bachelor of Technology and is a four year undergraduate degree.