

Can you copy your own work?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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12y ago

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yeah if you use your eye sockets to look at what you just wrote. that's how you copy work that ya wrote

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12y ago
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Q: Can you copy your own work?
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What is illegal to copy?

work that is not your own.

What is a good way too cheat on home work?

copy the next day and do your own work

Why do people copy other peoples work?

Because it is less work that writing your own, or they don't know how to.

If I download a copy of a game I own and use the game disc to launch it instead of a crack will it work and is it legal?

Because you have paid for a copy of the game, you are entitled to use it. It should work.

What kinds of work are protected by copy right?

Things like dvd's and cds/songs as they are done by people who work very hard and they have a copy right otherwise people could copy it and have it for free or copy it and pass it of as there own to get more money that's why most things are protected by copy rights

What does plagiarized mean?

to present the work of another as one's own

Can a student copy pages from a book for research purposes?

Generally speaking, no. Copying someone elses work is not allowed. You may cite, or quote, others in you own work but to simply copy is plagiarism.

Should you copy your friends assignment of her usb?

No you shouldn't. That is called Plagiarism and you should always do your own work.

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Can you copy a PC game that is copyrighted?

Provided you already own a legal copy of the game you can make a "back up" copy for your own use.

What is a sloppy copy?

A sloppy copy is stealing someone Else's work, identity and taking it as your own. This included acting, stealing there identity, or dressing like them to name a few. I hope this helps :)

Can you copy the storyline from a movie when writing a creative essay if the writing is all your own work?

No, it is not ethical or legal to copy the storyline from a movie for a creative essay, even if the writing is your own work. It is important to create original content and ideas in your writing to avoid plagiarism and respect the work of the original creators. You can draw inspiration from movies, but your work should be a unique interpretation or adaptation.