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If sealed properly and no sign of freezer burn, I would say yes. I have cooked meat that has be in freezer for a year and had no problems with taste or sickness.

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Q: Can you cook an unopened package of bacon after it has been in the freezer for one year?
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What if bacon has been in the freezer for over a year is it still good?

Depends what the experation date was

How much salt does a piece of bacon have?

It depends on how the bacon has been cured. Check the nutrition label on the package.

Can you cook an unopened package of a pork loin roast after it's been in the freezer for one year?

Sprinkle it with Ketchup, the original freshness an tenderness will come right out of the meat again, rinse and let sit in 2 cups of vinegar for 4-6 hours. Garenteed sucess

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If the DVDs are unopened and have not been taken out of the original package and you have the reciept you should be able to return them. But you may only get a store credit.

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That will depend how well it has been stored and whether or not the package has been opened. I have used unopened cream cheese 2 weeks beyond the package date.

Can you freeze cicadas for future use?

Yes. They should be par boiled for 5 min to ensure any soil parisites have been killed. Then package in freezer bags and place in freezer.

Do you get food poisoning from out of date bacon?

It depends.This is a logic problem.Sell by dates are recommendations, not strict guidelines.If it's preserved the right way, sealed foods can last for frightening amounts of time.The best way to tell is the most common sense, does it look and smell okay?Is the package unopened, and you just haven't used it before the date?If it's open, how long has it been?And has it been properly refrigerated, or has it been sitting out?

Can thawed unopened bacon be safe to eat if its been in fridge for 5 days and still in date?

Use your own judgment, if is smells bad don't if it looks alright it probably is, but it's up to you

How long will cool whip last in the freezer?

It should say on the bottom of the package. If not, it's usually good for about a year, if it's been kept frozen and not thawed.

How long will Canadian bacon stay fresh in the refrigerator after the package has been opened?

It depends on the temperature of the refrigerator and how well the pack is resealed. Three to ten days depending on the environment.

How many slices of bacon is a serving?

It depends if it is thick sliced or thin, but a 1lb package of bacon normally has around 16 slices.

How do you know a unicorn has been in your freezer?

Unicorns are mythical creatures. There hasn't been one in your freezer.