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Probably not, and why would you want to?

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Q: Can you bring a fake knife to school?
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What can happen to a 17 year old who bring a pocket knife to school is that a felony?

Yes u can, why bring a knife to school in the first place. tHATS a one way ticket to jail.

Is fake guns good to be at school?

No type of weapon is allowed. So no, you cannot bring a fake gun.

Name a knife which can be cut by knife?

a fake wooden knife :)

How do you tell the difference in a real world war 2 knife and fake?

a fake knife is plastic

What are the charges for a minor bringing a knife in school?

Knives are not illegal. The problem with bringing a knife to school is that it violates a school rule, not that it violates the law. The police will not bring charges against a minor for bringing a knife to school, but the school administration may inflict some penalty, which could even be expulsion from school, if they have a zero tolerance rule.

Would it be a crime to bring a folding locking knife onto a school grounds?

Yes. It is a crime to bring anything that can be readily used as an obvious weapon onto school grounds.

What happens if you bring a knife to school?

Bringing a knife to school is against school rules and is considered a serious offense. Depending on the school's policy and the context, consequences can range from suspension to expulsion, and potentially involve legal action. It is important to follow school rules and seek appropriate support if needed.

Can you bring a knife to the tv game show survivor?

I doubt they will let you bring a knife on the game show Survivor. It would be hard to pass through the airport with a knife, let alone bring it to a remote Survivor destination. Survivor has guidelines for what contestants can and cannot bring with them.

Is it good etiquette to bring your own steak knife to a restaurant?

It is not good etiquette to bring a steak knife to a restaurant. They normally would provide them.

Is a royal crest Swiss army knife real or fake?

Your question's a little vague: 1. The knife is a real knife (it exists and will cut things) 2. The knife is NOT a "Swiss Army" knife - that title belongs to Victorinox AG

Do you know value of 1907 KKK convention knife Bristol tenn?

The knife was a fake that started showing up in the 1960s at gun shows. There was no convention in 1907. However the knife is still holding a value of about $200 to $300 due to it's age. All though it is a fake, many people were fooled by it and therefore it is still a sought after collectible for it's historic value as a formidable fake.

Can you bring a hunting knife to Australia?

no you can't ok......