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Yes, you can. It is quite possible and normal to have a period or two at the beginning of pregnancy, so that can throw your calculations off.

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Q: Can you be further along in pregnancy than you thought?
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If you are pregnant and your blood work says you are further along than your ultrasound which one is more accurate?

Blood work cannot tell you how far along you are as the levels vary so much from pregnancy to pregnancy, go with the ultrasound.

10 week size uterus but only 7 weeks pregnant?

either your child is huge or you are further along than you thought

Can you be further along than you think?


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could be. pregnancy hormones can create havoc with your hormones so acne is plausable, although rashes dont sound right to me. go see a doctor about those. nervousness feeling could be morning sickness, or if you are further along than you thought you could be feeling the baby move, although i dont recall it feeling like nervous butterlies, more like a muscle tick in the lower abdomen. discharge is usually different when pregnant too, but if its an odd colour or has an offensive smell, see a doctor.

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It depends where you are in the pregnancy - in the first trimester it may mean the LMP was incorrect and you are 2weeks further or less pregnant than you thought. In the third trimester it can mean you are having a large (or small baby) or it can mean the baby is not getting adequate nutrition and he maybe delivered early to prevent further growth restriction. Check with your doctor for more details.

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Can you tell you how far along you are by my blood test hormones being 152?

It sounds like your less than 1 month into your pregnancy. HCG levels vary throughout the pregnancy so I wouldn't rely on a blood test to determine how far along you are. A ultrasound would be the ideal option.

I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant but am measuring 37.5. This is my 3rd child and I am so ready to go into labor already. Does this mean the baby may be early?

If you're measuring ahead (larger than your dates), there are a few possible explanations:~You are overweight. A "fat pad" on the abdomen can cause the measurements to be off.~The measurement was inaccurate. This is most likely if you've switched care providers or if you have someone new measuring your belly at this visit as compared to the last visit.~You are further along than you thought. This is most likely if you've been measuring ahead throughout the entire pregnancy.~You are pregnant with twins. In this case, you would normally measure FAR ahead, not just 1.5 weeks ahead.So, yes, it could mean that you are further along than 36 weeks and that you will go into labor earlier than expected. However, the measurement could be a fluke.

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Mars is further out from the sun than earth.

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Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.Ireland is further west than Portugal.

Can situps cause you to lose a pregnancy?

I wouldn't recommend it, the stomach muscles are already hard at work protecting the uterus and the developing pregnancy, so you would more than likely be putting your body under quite a bit of stress by doing any abdominal exercises