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The word bored can mean several things. One meaning of the word bored is sitting around with nothing to do, or to feel what is going on is dull and uninteresting.

Every person goes through times of boredom or restlessness. Ever wonder why classes are set at 50 to 60 minutes in length for grade school and high school, or up to 3 hours in college? It's because our minds CAN begin to wander after listening to the same topic. So schools deliberately break up the day into segments. ALL of us can handle short periods of learning, or short times of feeling bored.

However, though everyone CAN get bored, we can also use mind tricks to offset boredom too. Break the hour into 15 minutes-- anyone can sit through 15 minutes. Really concentrate during that time. Do that 4 times, and 1 hour has passed. Make deals with yourself: Pay attention NOW, and after school you'll pay a video game for 1 hour. Or, you'll pay just 15 minutes for every class you succeeded in paying attention for the full class.

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