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They don't have to pay you bi weekly. They can pay you every week or once a month. Usually most workman's comp is bi weekly.

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Q: Can they stop paying workman's comp bi weekly checks?
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If you are drawing workmans comp and working at your job part Tim and workmans comp pays you the difference and you get sick and are out of work a few days will workmans comp still pay you the differ?

As each state's criteria for eligibility and amount of workman's comp payable differs, you need to contact your state's office for clarification.

i am going on two weeks out of work and i was wondering how long before workmans comp will start paying me for the time that i have missed ?

Allow up to 4 weeks.

Does workmans comp cover hernias?

Was it an on the job injury?

Can you smoke weed on workmans comp?

Only if it is legal in your jurisdiction.

What is the cost of workmans comp for plumber?

$15 per hr

When an employee falls in the parking lot coming into work is it workmans comp?

Yes it is a workmans comp if he was scheduled to come in or he had an appointment. Massachusetts Yes it is a workmans comp if he was scheduled to come in or he had an appointment. Massachusetts Answer #2 You better check with workman's comp. I know of a case where a fellow employee fell in the bathroom at work and was denied payments because it was not considered "work related". In this particular case, the company turned it in as workman's comp but it was refused.